Volunteer Managers - VM Cafe - Recruiting Corporate & Group Volunteers

Multiple Dates

166 Woolcock Street, Currajong, QLD, 4812, Australia

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Multiple Dates

Mercure Townsville - Boardroom 1, 166 Woolcock Street, Currajong, QLD, 4812, Australia.

The VM Cafe is an opportunity for Volunteer Managers (VM) and Coordinators to connect with others and share their knowledge and experiences on leading volunteer teams.  We meet monthly on the first Thursday of the month, sometimes for coffee and other times to discuss a topic using the World Cafe technique.  A few times throughout the year we'll also have training sessions with keynote speakers.

FEB: Coffee Networking - Volunteer Recuitment

MAR: VM Cafe - Volunteer Team Building Skills

MAR: Training - Event and Volunteer Management

MAY: Coffee Networking - Conflict Management

JUN: VM Cafe - Corporate & Group Volunteers

JUL: Training - Volunteer Management - Andy Fryer

AUG: Coffee Networking - Volunteer Recognition

SEPT: VM Cafe - Volunteer Task Management

OCT: Training - The Art of Delegation  

NOV: Morning Tea - International Volunteer Managers Day

Volunteering North Queensland


Volunteering North Queensland (VNQ) is a volunteer referral and community resource centre for the North Queensland region. We connect people interested in giving their time and skills to volunteering opportunities and, provide training and networking events to strengthen community organisations. Through a short face to face appointment we can help people find the right fit for their availability and ability. Our services are supported by the Department of Social Services, Townsville City Council and sponsors.

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