UPPER INTERMEDIATE II (A2) / Online Czech language course / Autumn 2023

Tuesday, 19 September 2023 6:30 PM - Tuesday, 12 December 2023 8:30 PM WET

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Standard (full) fee Partial Approval - £235.00

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Reduced (concessionary fee) Partial Approval - £199.00

You are eligible to pay the reduced fee when you provide us with evidence for one of the following: you receive income-based benefit / Jobseeker’s Allowance, you are over 65 or if you are a full time student. The documents can be scanned and sent to info@czechcentre.org.uk

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Tuesday, 19 September 2023 6:30 PM - Tuesday, 12 December 2023 8:30 PM WET


Tuesday 19 September – 12 December 2023

Course book
: Marie Boccou Kestránková, Katerina Kopicová, Gabriela Šnaidaufová:.Ceština pro cizince B1
Level: towards B1
When deciding on the level to apply for, use the self-evaluation help table based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. For more detailed information and assessment please contact the Czech Centre.
Chapter: 7-8
Topics: Lesson 7 - Dialogue A: At the doctor’s; Dialogue B: Why are you so late?; Dialogue C: Hypochondriac; Reading: Beer Spa; Otto Wichterle; Lesson 8 - Minidialogues: Characteristics; Dialogue A: Geography quiz; Dialogue B: Going for a weekend to countryside; Dialogue C: When shall we start working on the project;Dialogue D: Successful women
Grammar: Adverbs + adjectives; Verbs, other verbs; Declension of words ruce, nohy, uši, oci in plural; Verbs with prepostions na/v/za/o + accusative; Using adjectives to describe people; Possessive adjectives in singular; Verbs with genitive and prepositions; Relative pronoun který, která, které

More information about the Czech Langauge Courses



The Czech Centre's mission is to actively promote the Czech Republic by showcasing Czech culture in the UK. Its programme covers visual and performing arts, film, literature, music, architecture, design and fashion. As well as hosting its own events, the Czech Centre offers support for other groups organising Czech related initiatives in the UK. The centre also seeks to further enhance cultural relationships between the UK and the Czech Republic through curatorial visits, media tours and artistic residencies; helping to generate creative dialogue among artists, scholars and cultural activists from both countries. In addition to its cultural work, the Czech Centre runs certified Czech language courses and exams. The Czech Centre London opened in 1993. It is a non-political organisation supported by the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs as part of a worldwide network of 26 Czech Centres on four continents. The Czech Centre is a member of EUNIC (European Union National Institutes for Culture).

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