TRE Introductory Day: Cheda Mikic

Multiple Dates

322C (Ground Floor) Kingsland Rd,, Haggerston, Hackney, London, E8 4DE, United Kingdom

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Use this ticket to register interest in the course. To confirm your place pay on the Triyoga website £320 excluding lunch, £350 including lunch, early bird 10% discount if you book on or before August 1st.

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Multiple Dates

HQ therapy rooms Haggerston, 322C (Ground Floor) Kingsland Rd,, Hackney, London, E8 4DE, United Kingdom.

TRE Introductory Days

Dates: 3 Feb, 10 Mar, 7 Jul, 27 Oct, 1Dec, 10.00-16.30

Tutor: Cheda Mikic

Cost:  £75 early bird 1 month in advance, £90 full price

Book Direct: PayPal and UK bank details for payment will be sent automatically via email on completing the Register Interest ticket process. Any queries please contact Cheda on

Learn to feel the power of shaking in a safe, supported group. The course will be very practical. In the morning and afternoon sessions you will be supported through the exercises and tremors. There will be lots of time to learn about the theory of TRE, and time for discussion and sharing of experiences.   


TRE is a great self regulating tool. A simple set of exercises are used to trigger therapeutic tremors in the body. The tremors help reset the reflexes and habits in the central nervous system. In tension and trauma the old parts of the brain get stuck in defence strategies making us tight and contracted prepared for fight-or-flight or freezing the body. TRE is a safe and easy way of releasing tension and waking up your body. 

  • How to start and stop therapeutic tremors

  • Learn about the body and the defence cascades of fight-or-flight and freeze

  • Discover grounding and simple tools to be more embodied and present

  • How to self regulate and manage intense sensations inside you

  • Learn the theory about  TRE can help with tiredness, anxiety, pain and trauma

The TRE Introductory Day is open to everyone. You can attend to learn about using the tremors to support your own health. You will learn about being in your body and self regulating in response to tension, stress and trauma.



Cancellation policy

This cancellation policy applies to workshops organized by The Whole Body Ltd (Including TRE London, TRE College, Body Intelligence Training courses and craniosacral post grads run by Steve Haines.) 

I can’t attend the workshop:

All deposits are non refundable. You can transfer the deposit to another course within one year of the original course.


I want a refund:

Please let us know through email: The amount of your refund depends on how much notice you give:

- At least 30 days before the start of the event: 100% refund

- Less than 30 but at least 12 days: 75% refund

- Less than 12 days: 50% refund

- Less than 5 days, on or after the start date: Sorry, no refund


I want to attend the same workshop on a different date:

No problem. If there’s still space available in the workshop you want to transfer to, we’ll move you there. If no space is available, we’ll refund your registration as described above.


I decided not to go to the workshop:

Sorry, no refunds are available if you didn’t cancel in advance


Other cancellations and schedule changes:

It’s unlikely to happen, but we reserve the right to cancel or reschedule an event due to low enrolment, presenter illness, or other circumstances. If the event is cancelled, participants will receive a full refund of their registration fee. If the event is rescheduled, participants will have the option of attending the rescheduled event or receiving a full refund. If we cancel or reschedule a workshop or other event, we won’t refund your travel, lodging, or meal expenses. We suggest you make refundable travel arrangements.


Cheda Mikic has been working in the field of alternative medicine for over 20 years. He was an athlete and has studied bodywork, naturopathy, biodynamic craniosacral therapy and TRE (tension and trauma release exercises). He studied various spiritual traditions and non-duality.

His ongoing study, understanding and integration of trauma has transformed his approach to healing and life. He teaches TRE in the UK, Italy, Serbia and other European countries. In his individual, personalised treatments he combines nutrition, trauma work, movement, specific touch and other modalities to support the clients in aligning to the authentic expression of who they are.

He works regularly in London, Rome and Calabria. For supervision events, groups and 1 to 1 sessions check:

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