The X-Factor Training

Wednesday, 20 July 2022 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM AEST

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Wednesday, 20 July 2022 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM AEST

The X-Factor Training Outline


Stay Motivated 24/7

Without the right mindset and attitude, it can be hard to stay motivated. This can result in poor performance at work. Participants will learn techniques that will help them self-motivate when they feel discouraged.

Communication techniques can be used to help you find solutions faster

Employees will be able to find solutions quickly and efficiently with proper communication. This will help employees feel more productive and motivated. Your team will be able to solve problems and control outcomes , and thus become more efficient overall. This session will give your team the skills necessary to communicate effectively in the workplace.

Body Language and Its Positives (changing emotion)

This part of the training session will teach participants how to change or improve their emotions using body language. Although this can seem difficult, it is possible with the right tools. Also, we will discuss how body language can be used to aid a team in working together.

Time management tips

In business, time is money. Your employees will become more productive and efficient by learning the time management skills and techniques. The highly-skilled trainers at Paramount Training will help participants understand the basic time management techniques that can be used in the workplace. This will allow them to be more productive and achieve the goals within the given timeline.

Human error and solving relationship problems

It is inevitable that there will be internal conflicts and problems as teams are made up of people. Because of the diversity in the personalities, values, opinions, and views of those who make up the team, this can happen. This trainer will give participants the necessary information to help them deal with common problems and issues within their teams.

Problem Solving Toolkit

This section will be included in the training session to encourage participants to become more involved and motivated in solving problems.

Sophia Caton