The Nokota Experience

Sunday, 11 June 2017 9:00 AM - Saturday, 8 July 2017 9:00 AM CST

Two Miles East Of Linton On Highway 13, Linton, ND, 58552, United States

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Jessica paid $375.00 the remainder due 845.00 Partial Approval - $845.00

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Auditing for 1 day Partial Approval - $75.00

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Auditing for 2 days Partial Approval - $150.00

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Auditing for 3 days Partial Approval - $225.00

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Auditing for 4 days Partial Approval - $300.00

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Auditing for 5 days Partial Approval - $375.00

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The Nokota Experience Early Bird Price Until March 1st Partial Approval - $1,295.00

Full Price $1495.00 after March 1st

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Early Bird Price With A Jacks Learning Circle Membership $75 Discount Until March 1st 2017 Partial Approval - $1,220.00

Full Price $1495.00 after March 1st 2017

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Sunday, 11 June 2017 9:00 AM - Saturday, 8 July 2017 9:00 AM CST

The Nokota® Experience, Two Miles East Of Linton On Highway 13, Linton, ND, 58552, United States.

The Nokota® Experience


It has been said that Nokotas® can look into your eyes

And read your soul…

It may sound unbelievable, but the people who interact with these horses are undoubtedly, irrevocably changed. Some become braver & more confident. Others become more sensitive; softer. Most become more aware of themselves—their body language, their energy, & their intent. Each and every one of them becomes a better horseman. Better people.

This clinic is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Where else could you go to see herds of 40-60 wild horses in one pasture? Clinic participants will have the unique privilege of observing multiple bands (i.e. a stud with his mares) in their natural environment.

The clinic takes place on the lush North Dakota prairies, which are filled with rolling hills, green grass, and the beautiful Nokota® horses. The area is rich with the history of the Native Americans who lived on the land decades ago. You may even come across evidence of the Native Americans, such as Tee pee rings or a Medicine Wheel. Being there with the horses, and knowing the horses are of the same bloodlines as those who shared their lives with the Native Americans, gives you a sense we are not that far removed from the past.


Clinic Description

Before it all begins-

Once everyone has arrived on Saturday, June 10th, there will an introductory meet and greet and group meal at 5:30pm. This is a great time to get to know everyone, and Jack will outline what is planned for the following days. 

Day 1-DSC_0066

We head out to the first pasture to roundup and sort out about ten horses we want to use for the clinic. If you’re interested in one of the horses, this is the time we help you pick it out.  

After that we head off to the second pasture and do the same. With 20 head or so loaded into the trailers we will head back to arena. The remainder of the day is spent working on gentling the 20 horses just gathered.


Day 2-

In the morning, we will be working with the 20 horses from the previous day, and continuing on with the gentling and haltering. After lunch, we will head back out to some of the pastures to observe the horses. If there is time, and we have the energy, we will come back and work some more with our herd of 20.DSC_0629

Day 3-

In the morning of Day 3, we will continue working with the horses on more gentling, and also teaching them to lead. We may even get to work on the 1st & 2nd steps of Colt Starting, which include: Step 1) “Accepting the Human” and Step 2) “Accepting the saddle”. One of the most amazing things is that the horses determine (and clearly communicate) how much we can do with them each day.

Some of you might be thinking, “I don’t think I can do this”, but you can. We have had people in their 50’s and 60’s participate in this clinic; both women and men.  If you have basic horsemanship skills, and you can walk, trot & canter your own horse, you should be just fine. It helps to be fit since you are on your feet most of the day, and the days can be long. Keep in mind that you will only be asked to do things you’re comfortable doing. Safety is our topmost priority, and we want you to enjoy yourself!

After lunch, we will head back out to the pastures to observe more horses. We will be adding new bands to the pastures, so you will get to see studs protecting their mares; which is an awesome sight to see.

Day 4-DSC_0085

In the morning, we go back to training the horses. By this time, we should be getting a good feel for the horses, and they should be getting into the routine. If the horses are coming along like we hope, we might even be able to get on some of them. 

In the afternoon, we will go observe the mares and babies. Make sure you bring enough memory for your camera because you WILL want to take pictures!

Day 5-

This is the day when all the things we have been working on up to this point usually come together. If the time is right, everyone will get on their horses (but only if the time is right for each horse/rider). There is absolutely no pressure to do so if you don’t feel quite ready, and the horses will tell us when they are ready.DSC_0874

In the afternoon, the group decides whether will we go to the pastures and observe more horses or continue working in the arena.

Other Notes

This clinic is just as much about working on yourself as it is working with the horse.

All clinic participants’ meals will be provided for the duration of the clinic.

Lodging is your responsibility. Click here for a list of places to stay.

If you choose to sign up for “Observation Only” (i.e. auditing) there is no hands-on work with the horses. You will be able to observe what we’re doing with the horses in the arena, and come out with us to see the horses in the pastures.

This is perfect for those who do not want to handle the horses, but would like to learn and take photographs. You will still get to experience the horses, and learn invaluable insights into herd dynamics and colt-starting.

This is an unparalleled opportunity to learn about herd dynamics & the ways horses communicate. 

What participants had to say about last years Experience!


JL Horsemanship LLC