The Neurobiology of Touch

Saturday, 19 June 2021 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM BST

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The Neurobiology of Touch workshop Partial Approval - £40.00

For TRE providers, students and concessions the price is £35. Contact me on

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Saturday, 19 June 2021 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM BST

In this special workshop we will be exploring the importance and meaning of Touch in our life and in any somatic practice, including TRE. We will deepen our understanding through basic neuroscience, neurology and brain-body connections related to touch. How do we receive and give touch. The role of Insula and neurological receptors in touch. The first part of this workshop will be focused on the theory of neurobiology and touch. In the second part, we will practice the perceptual skills, verbal and tactile connection with oneself and another person or a colleague (if present). In the final part, we will embody the theory and practice through TRE.

The participants will learn the importance of therapeutic touch, relational field and neutral listening. 

This workshop is for anyone who wants to deepen the connection with their own body and to enhance their clinical and therapeutic skills in working with others. 

Cheda Mikic

Cheda is a highly experienced body therapist and he works with the body via range of modalities to help clients achieve a better state of equilibrium physically and emotionally. Cheda has been working in the field of Complementary medicine for over 25 years. He is a Naturopath, Craniosacral therapist and TRE trainer. Cheda teaches TRE in the UK, Italy and Internationally.

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