#SaturdaySweat Fitness Party

Saturday, 26 January 2019 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM EST

10011, Good Luck Road, Glenn Dale, MD, 20769, United States

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Full Pass - SHUTDOWN SPECIAL* Partial Approval - $15.00

This pass grants access to three (3) exclusive fitness classes, a delicious lunch AND the healthy cooking demo for a discounted price! *This special will also be applied to those who've already purchased their ticket.

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Saturday, 26 January 2019 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM EST

Capital Sportsplex, 10011, Glenn Dale, MD, 20769, United States.

Continue to crush those New Year resolutions and join the GoddessFit  team for the first #SaturdaySweat Fitness Party (#SSFP) of 2019. #SSFP focuses on elevating health and wellness, while preserving our mental, physical, and spiritual selves.


The Island Getaway Edition of #SSFP will include fantastic features galore.

Along with various vendors and other fun wellness activities! 

This is your opportunity to engage in a fun and energizing workout,

while recharging and realigning your physical and mental selves (island style, of course).

You won't want to miss this!




Yoga Demo by Tasman

Yoga is for EVERYONE, and with Tasman’s revitalizing yoga session, you’ll not only come to this realization, but you’ll improve your flexibility and movement in the process! 


Tasman is owner of Shakti Studio in Annapolis, Maryland, where "we guide you to find the space to breathe, restore and reconnect to your deeper self." Shakti Studio offers a variety of yoga, tai chi, meditation, Ayurvedic, mind, body, and fitness classes, workshops and retreats designed to tap into your vibrant self, your unique energy, and release your amazing potential! We offer teachings to people of all ages and abilities."We are all about building community and supporting students where they are.  As a boutique studio, you will receive excellent teachings, individual attention, and an experience unique to this studio.”

Jorre Jackson

GoddessFit by Jorré was created by founder Jorre K. Jackson. GoddessFit is an advocacy group for wholesome and holistic health and wellness initiatives. We foster a comprehensive and integrative approach to elevating the wellness and health preservation of our mental, physical, emotional, social and spiritual selves through various means. GoddessFit by Jorré found its beginnings in Summer 2018 at the Kickoff #SaturdaySweat Fitness Party Series. What was initially, Zumba by Jorré (Zumba classes based in hip movement and cultural authenticity) expanded and took shape in its new identity, GoddessFit, an advocacy group for wholesome and holistic health and wellness initiatives. Through vast research and exposure to health disparities in her community, this aspiring revolutionary, Jorré decided to implement the early beginnings of her plan to not only treat these disparities on both individual and societal levels, but also reverse their onset.  In promoting the importance of health and wellness in the community, we look to do so by fostering a comprehensive and integrative approach through elevating the wellness and health preservation of our mental, physical, emotional, social, and spiritual selves through various means: exercise, realignment, diet, self-awareness, etc.

Contact the Organizer