RCA Seattle 2021

Wednesday, 17 November 2021 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM PST

515 Madison Street, Seattle, WA, 98104, United States

Register Now


Sale ended

Early Bird Registration for Faculty Member Partial Approval - $200.00

Faculty at a teaching institution who have completed graduate study. Price includes RCA membership dues.

sales ended

Early Bird Registration for Non Faculty Member Partial Approval - $200.00

Communication professionals, clergy, and others who study the intersection of communication and religion. Price includes RCA membership dues.

Sale ended

Early Bird Registration for Student Member Partial Approval - $125.00

A current undergraduate or graduate student. Price includes RCA membership dues.

sales ended

Early Bird Registration for Lifetime RCA Member Partial Approval - $150.00

If you are a lifetime member of RCA, you do not need to renew your member fees. This fee covers the cost of the conference.

Sale ended

Regular Registration for Faculty Member Partial Approval - $225.00

Faculty at a teaching institution who have completed graduate study. Price includes RCA membership dues.

sales ended

Regular Registration for Non Faculty Member Partial Approval - $225.00

Communication professionals, clergy, and others who study the intersection of communication and religion. Price includes RCA membership dues.

Sale ended

Regular Registration for Student Member Partial Approval - $150.00

A current undergraduate or graduate student. Price includes RCA membership dues.

sales ended

Regular Registration for Lifetime RCA Member Partial Approval - $175.00

If you are a lifetime member of RCA, you do not need to renew your member fees. This fee covers the cost of the conference.

Sale ended

Virtual Attendance - Faculty or Non Faculty Partial Approval - $125.00

For faculty and non faculty members who cannot attend in person but plan to attend virtually. To present remotely virtual attendees can either join our live virtual panels, have a colleague present remarks in person or submit a video to the panel chair or the RCA 1st VP. This ticket does not include cost of food and beverage on site. Price includes RCA membership dues.

sales ended

Virtual Attendance - Student Partial Approval - $75.00

For members enrolled in graduate or undergraduate study who cannot attend in person but plan to attend virtually. To present remotely virtual attendees can either join our live virtual panels, have a colleague present remarks in person or submit a video to the panel chair or the RCA 1st VP. This ticket does not include cost of food and beverage on site. Price includes RCA membership dues.

Sale ended

Virtual Attendance - Lifetime Member Partial Approval - $75.00

For lifetime members who cannot attend in person but plan to attend virtually. To present remotely virtual attendees can either join our live virtual panels, have a colleague present remarks in person or submit a video to the panel chair or the RCA 1st VP. This ticket does not include cost of food and beverage on site. Price includes RCA membership dues.

sales ended

Awards Banquet Only Partial Approval - $75.00

If you are not planning to attend the conference but would like to attend the awards banquet that evening, select this ticket.

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  • Fee
  • Total amount

1. Select Seats

2. Review and Proceed

Wednesday, 17 November 2021 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM PST

Renaissance Seattle Hotel, 515 Madison Street, Seattle, WA, 98104, United States.

The Religious Communication Association's (RCA) 2021 Annual Conference will be held in conjunction with the 107th National Communication Association (NCA) Annual Convention, November 18-21, 2021 in Seattle, Washington. In addition, RCA will convene for a full day of sessions Wednesday, November 17th, the day prior to the official start of the NCA convention. Paper and panel proposal submissions for the RCA 2021 Annual Conference have closed. Submitters of accepted papers and panels were notified in June. To become a listserv subscriber, submit your subscription request to rca@relcomm.org.

NOTE: Registering for RCA is different from registering for the National Communication Association's (NCA) conference. As an affiliate organization, our separate conference operates in conjunction with, but not as a part of NCA's program. If you plan to attend NCA, you will need to register separately for that event. Likewise, if you are already registered for NCA, you still need to register for this one-day conference and make payment. Registration with NCA does not include the cost of RCA's one-day conference.

Religious Communication Association

RCA is an academic society founded in 1973 for scholars, teachers, students, clergy, journalists, and others who share an interest in religious speech, rhetoric, media, and performance. The association is nonsectarian and provides a setting for professionals of various faiths, or no faith, to study problems of communication and religion.

Contact the Organizer