Public Relations Training

Wednesday, 13 July 2022 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM AEST

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Wednesday, 13 July 2022 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM AEST

Public Relations Training Outline


Basic Mass Media

Public Relations is all about getting people to know that your company is available and willing to serve. Radio, television, magazines and newspapers are just a few of the many avenues that a company has to get out there. Publicizing a company's new product launch is a great way for your company to get attention and interest. The public wants new experiences almost every day. Remember your target market. This is the group of people you wish to sell your product or service to. It is important to consider which media you use. If you are trying to sell your product or service to motorists or drivers of public transport, radio works better than television and newspapers. They listen to the radio while working, rather than reading newspapers or watching television. Advertisements can be your best friend to reach the public. It establishes trust and builds company image. Participants are able to discuss these and other topics with us.

Get Your Opinion

Participants are also encouraged to voice their opinion on events that impact your industry. Technical directors and content writers can write editorials or opinion articles that are sold to media outlets like trade magazines. Local commerce events and business fairs are great ways to meet other businesses and to show your expertise in a more general advertisement. Your public relations department is responsible for promoting opinions and involving the company in business discussions. Your company will either learn from other experts or clients, and you can be considered for their services. We will discuss the different methods for managing events and press releases in public relation.

Get on Social Media

With the advent of social media, it's clear that we are in a new era of communication. It takes just a few seconds to get a message to someone far away or a few minutes for a status update or tweet to go up. Participation in social media, such as Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, allows your company to monitor public opinions about your company and adjust your marketing strategies accordingly. Social media allows people to voice their opinions and can be used by companies to decide how they respond. Your public relation team should learn how to respond to negative comments and build a positive image of your company.

Social Responsibility

We offer information on how to exercise social responsibility. Companies are not just there to provide products and services through a never-ending supply chain. Every company has the opportunity to do good deeds for the community. A great way for companies to establish a reputation and build public relations is by sponsoring community projects and events. To establish your reputation as a green company, it is a smart move to publish your company policy via press releases if your product has any connection to the environment. Your workers should be generous and charitable. You can also encourage community love and respect by sponsoring and holding your own events. Participants are given ideas and activities to illustrate social responsibility.

Talk to non-consumers and employees

Customer is not the only thing that matters to a company. Employees are the heart of a company. Keeping them informed about company successes will increase morale, productivity, loyalty, and overall company pride. To keep your employees informed about company news, it is important to keep a company newsletter updated. You can publish press releases about recent business developments in your local newspaper. This will attract potential employees and give your company a better reputation among the public. Reputation must be built both within and outside the company. Don't just focus on the client's feelings about the company. Happy clients will only come from happy employees. Do not overly concentrate on the customer, especially when your employees are being paid to the bone without any positive feedback.

Sophia Caton