Private Lessons with Ledyard Sensei

Thursday, 31 December 2020 12:05 AM - 1:05 AM PST

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1 Hour Private Lesson Partial Approval - $100.00

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1 1/2 Hour Private Lesson Partial Approval - $150.00

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Thursday, 31 December 2020 12:05 AM - 1:05 AM PST

Private Lessons with George Ledyard Sensei

Lessons can cover empty hand or weapons work in Aikido. They can also copver applied self defense technique.

Lessons can be 1 Hour or 1 1/2 Hours. There is a discount for booking five lessons in advance.

20% Discount for booking five lessons or more in advance

Aikido Eastside

Conducted by George S Ledyard, Aikido 7th Dan and Defensive Tactics Instructor

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