Mental Health in the Workplace

Monday, 18 July 2022 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM AEST

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Monday, 18 July 2022 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM AEST

Mental Health Training Outline for the Workplace


Collaborate and delegate

It is not unusual to find a workplace Superman/Wonder Woman who can write in their sleep and is one of your strongest team members. These people are often the ones who refrain from delegating tasks because they fear their teammates might fail, or because they think they can do it better. This toxic mindset must be eliminated. You are part of a team for reasons. You can be the team Superman by delegating tasks to your teammates so that you can concentrate your energy on long-term targets like recruiting better and more skilled people to your group, or planning how your team will achieve its long-term goals. You must delegate because, regardless of your abilities, no worker is meant to do all the work. This mental stress can lead to serious mental health issues and is harmful. Remember that a team can do more than an individual if they work well together. Delegating tasks is one way to do this. This allows your team to improve their jobs by giving them the opportunity to use their skills. It also gives you the chance to trust your teammates with future tasks. The cumulative effect of this success is great. To avoid unnecessary mental stress, don't forget about the individual characteristics of your team members before delegating tasks. If Bobby is a skilled writer and Linda is an artist then don't give Bobby the task of designing and layout. Everyone's mental health will be fine if they delegate the right tasks to the right people at the right times. Participants are taught how to manage work load.

Keep an eye on your clock

Many of us look at the clock and pray for 5 o'clock so that we can get to work. Some people take work home, even if they don't intend to. They will remember the day and, no matter how miserable they are at work, they'll feel bad about themselves for doing so little. This can lead to mental health problems, including low self-esteem, poor decisions and severe disorders such as anxiety or depression. This can be countered by good time management. Making the most of each day can bring out positive feelings about one's work and yourself. John will not do half of the work he is supposed to do if he spends too much time on his social media accounts. Later, he will feel guilty for not finishing his job. The stress of meeting these goals over time causes him to become physically exhausted and mentally stressed when he didn't have to. This is poor time management. It would be better to keep his ends in mind and to set them within the time frame of his day. John should set his goals for the time he works and follow the same schedule. This will help him feel satisfied and accomplished, as well as removing any stress caused by a deadline. How they manage their time is what will make the difference between a good worker who continuously improves his craft and a poor worker who barely scrapes by. This is illustrated with some examples and activities.

Reduce Stress

Stress is something that is universal when it comes to work. Every job has its stress elements, regardless of whether you are passionate about it. This is because many people aren't capable of managing stress well. Chronic work stress can cause mental and physical deterioration. It's good to keep your nose clean, but it's not healthy to let your nose get too raw. Finding the stress triggers is the first step. Then, take note of them and develop healthy responses to them. Poor diet is a healthy response to a high workload. You could do some yoga or talk with someone about your feelings. You should also establish a work/life balance. Work is not your life, you should have a life other than work. You should have a good sleep schedule and not think about work. Make the most of your vacation days. Your mental health is crucial, so get a good night of sleep. We offer tips and advice for improving workplace health and decreasing stress.

Sophia Caton