Mental Health First Aid USA **FSU EMPLOYEES ONLY**

Multiple Dates

1200 Murchison Road, NC, 28301, United States

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Mental Health First Aid (Must Register for BOTH JULY 16th & 17th) Partial Approval - Free

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Multiple Dates

Chancellor's Dining Room- Student Center, 1200 Murchison Road, , NC, 28301, United States.


What if mental health crisis training was as commonplace as CPR classes on college campuses?

That’s the goal of the university’s Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Initiative.  MHFA has been identified as a resource for faculty and staff.  Mental Health First Aid is an 8-hour evidence-based training that teaches common warning signs of mental health problems.  Using role-playing and simulations, it gives trainees the skills to provide immediate help to someone who is developing a mental health problem, or in a mental crisis such as suicidal thoughts.  The evidence behind the program demonstrates it builds mental health literacy, increases confidence in helping an individual in distress, and reduces social distance caused by stigma. 

Faculty and Staff interested in attending the upcoming training can REGISTER HERE.  There is a maximum of 25 slots for the course.


WHEN: July 16th & 17th  (Must register to attend BOTH 4-hour sessions to receive credit for the course)


TIME: 12:30 p.m.- 4:30 p.m.



For more information on Mental Health First Aid USA, visit their website:

FSUHR University

Roni D. Stearns, HR Training Specialist

Contact the Organizer