[LIVE RPG] Systemless D100: Shadow Children - Writhing Hands from Beyond (w/ Samwise7RPG)

Saturday, 29 October 2016 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM EST

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Saturday, 29 October 2016 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM EST

Type of Event: Live Roleplaying Game Session

Title of Event: Shadow Children: Writhing Hands from Beyond (w/ Samwise7RPG)

Event URL or Channel: www.youtube.com/user/samwise7rpg

Event Host: Tim Harper

Event Description: Your twelve-year-old character lives in a modern American suburb and will know the other characters at the start of the session. Your character has been physically or mentally abused in one major way or via lots of minor ways. Think up what happened to them, and that will probably come out during the session. Up to this point nothing supernatural has ever happened to them, but that is about to change... This is a systemless game and the only dice mechanic we will be using is a D100. I will try to emphasize staying in character (for the most part) and lots of in-character role-playing. Some intense / mature scenes and flashbacks are likely, so if that is not your thing then it might be best to not sign up for the game. *Please, only sign up for this game if you are 18 years old or older.*

Event Seat Count (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC): 4

Event Reserved Seat Count: None

Event Time Slot: 4:00pm - 8:00pm EST

Game or System Being Played: D100 Only (Systemless but with a single dice mechanic, rolling a D100)

Will you be providing Pre-generated Characters?: No

Will you be providing Pre-generated Overlays for Google Hangouts?: No

Do you want to be a Secret Gamemaster?: No

Do you have special instructions for your players?: Think up a character concept for a child that is 12 years old. Your character lives in a modern American suburb and will know the other characters at the start of the session. Your character has been abused in one major way or via lots of minor ways. Think up what happened to them, and that will probably come out during the session. Up to this point nothing supernatural has ever happened to them, but that is about to change... This is a systemless game and the only dice mechanic we will be using is a D100. I will try to emphasize staying in character (for the most part) and lots of in-character role-playing. Some intense scenes and flashbacks are likely, so if that is not your thing then it might be best to opt out of the game. Thanks, and see you for BrigadeCon.

Cancellation policy

If an attendee chooses to cancel their registration we ask that they do so at least one week prior to the start date of BrigadeCon, unless emergencies dictate otherwise. We ask that canceling attendees notify all Game Masters and Panel Hosts they have coordinated with as a courtesy.

Thank you for your interest in BrigadeCon 2016!


Tim from Samwise7RPG is one of the founding fathers of the RPG Brigade. He boasts 6 YEARS of RPG related content on his channel. He specializes in a WIDE variety of RPGs and informative commentary. Tim is in every sesne of the word ... a MASTER of Roleplaying Games. If you would like to find out more about Tim, his play-style, and ideas on RPGs, please check out his channel at: https://www.youtube.com/user/Samwise7RPG

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