Leading Through Confidence Training

Wednesday, 14 July 2021 9:00 AM - Monday, 25 July 2022 11:15 AM ACST

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Wednesday, 14 July 2021 9:00 AM - Monday, 25 July 2022 11:15 AM ACST

Confidence Training for Leaders


Build a confident brand, team or environment

It is vital to have confidence in any company or team. It is the glue that makes you work together. Employees might have difficulty getting out of bed every morning if they lack confidence. You might be even worse if they start to desert you - mass desertions can often endanger a company's existence. It is also one of the few things that keeps customers loyal. Your products may not be worth their investment if they don't feel confident in your brand. Building confidence in various spheres can have a major impact on the success of your company. This is the essence and purpose of this training session.

Communicate confidently and effectively

communication is a key ingredient of charisma. It's not enough to look good. Distinguished leaders are often known for being able to communicate their thoughts. Through the power and auras, they can influence public opinion, government regulations, and even receive free food (although the former is sometimes not ideal). Your presence is the only thing that gives you confidence. However, your ability to speak clearly is what seals your reputation. How many times have you been influenced by people like this and hoped that one day, you would be able to influence others without touching them. Communication is a valuable tool. Our trainer will help you become the best.

Body Language

Although words and clothes are important components, they must be complemented by superior body language. The right bodylanguage conveys more than just the power of the words. It also conveys the belief image. This is especially important because it will determine if you are trustworthy and honest in their eyes. You will be able to match your words with your aura by mastering body language. This includes waving hands and even raising your knuckles when you are angry.

How to use internal talk and build self-esteem

Effective speakers must not only act, speak, and look the part but also feel it. Great speakers know that is their closest source of confidence in a vast desert that can seem to drain people of strength and will. This stage is where great speakers get the most certitude. There is no one else who can look beyond their mistakes than themselves. You will learn self-talk, which not only helps you revise speeches in your head but also allows you constructively to criticise yourself and increase your self-esteem . You will learn how to combine your self-talk skills with lessons on Neuro-Linguistic Programming, which will allow you to become a better speaker from the inside.

Use Questioning Techniques to Motivate & Inspire

Although you may not realize it, great leaders use questions to convince their subordinates. Speaking is much more than simply stating your points and letting people decide for themselves if they agree with them. To speak, you want to encourage people to think for themselves and to think about your point as if they were making it up. Declarative sentences are not the best way to determine if a speech is at its peak, but they can help you ask questions. Would you consider an argument if you were simply told it was true? No. You will learn more about the skills of a speaker who can communicate ideas to their audience.

Increase confidence in your ability to make decisions and find solutions

While speech is one thing, this session will teach you how to lead with confidence. Leaders often have to confront their doubts, and depending on the outcome, they either succeed or fail. We think differently. The goal of this course is to calm your inner critic and make it capable of leading you in the right direction. You will also be provided with various decision-making tools.

For better results, magnify confidence

Two roles are connected to confidence. It acts as a magnifier. Confidence is a key factor in determining the team's morale. Higher morale makes people more resilient to any challenge. Leaders who are capable convincing others to come up with innovative solutions can be the best. It can also be magnified. Your confidence can be affected by the presence of others. You can also determine your level of confidence. This is crucial in business. This course will teach you how to increase your confidence.

Richard King