Green Dot Student Leadership Training - Columbia, Missouri

Saturday, 30 January 2016 9:00 AM - Sunday, 31 January 2016 5:00 PM EST

900 East Stadium Blvd., Room 194 A/B, Columbia, Missouri, 65201, United States

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Saturday, 30 January 2016 9:00 AM - Sunday, 31 January 2016 5:00 PM EST

General Services Building, 900 East Stadium Blvd., Columbia, Missouri, 65201, United States.


The Green Dot Strategy is a new and innovative approach to violence prevention. Green Dot harnesses the power of individual choices to shift social norms, resulting in broad-based culture change. Green Dot is based on a wealth of interdisciplinary research including social change theory, diffusion of innovation, communication, marketing, bystander intervention, and perpetration patterns. Visit our website to learn more about the Green Dot curriculum. 


This intensive prevention conference for college students increases participants' capacity to play a more effective role in prevention programming on their campuses. The conference will focus on the prevention of sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking. It is designed to increase effectiveness of peer education groups, increase capacity of each student to impact their friends and their student organizations, and enhance the leadership skills of each participant. 
The conference will address issues including: 

l    How do I increase membership and participation in the violence prevention peer education group?
l    How do I deliver presentations that are more well-received and that include fewer eye-rolls from participants?
l    How do I engage with my friends in a way that doesn't turn them off?


Students from colleges and universities that are currently implementing Green Dot will be given the tools and materials necessary to partner with the professional staff on their campuses in Green Dot implementation. They will be certified as student instructors and will be briefed in the 3 roles student instructors can play. Students who are NOT from a college or university that is currently implementing Green Dot, will be given general (NON-Green Dot) materials that will equip them to strengthen the work they are doing on their campus. STUDENTS AT A SCHOOL THAT IS NOT IMPLEMENTING GREEN DOT WILL NOT BE ABLE TO IMPLEMENT GREEN DOT ON THEIR CAMPUS UNLESS THE CAMPUS PROFESSIONAL STAFF ALSO RECEIVES TRAINING. 


Attendees experience an interactive and intriguing 2 days of training which inspire renewed hope and a vision for a safer world.

Cancellation policy

Please email us immediately if you will not attend the training at