Freyfaxi in Lansdale

Sunday, 11 August 2019 3:00 PM - 9:00 PM EST

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Sunday, 11 August 2019 3:00 PM - 9:00 PM EST

Annual Freyfaxi celebration hosted by the Lansdale Tru Folk, an Asatru Folk Assembly kindred. Contact if interested.

"In parts of Viking Age Scandinavia, a horse festival was common in August. Horse fights were a part of these events, with the power of the animals taken as an omen of the harvest’s bounty. No specifc name for this festival is recorded in the literature. When I was assembling a religious calendar for Asatru back in the late 1970s and early 1980s, I called this festival “Freyfaxi,” or “Frey’s Mane,” afer the horse belonging to the fertility God Frey. Any gathering connecting horses and harvest would certainly have been a suitable time to honor Frey, keeper of the holy might of virility, fertility, and plenty. August was also a common time for hosting the thing—the rough equivalent of a legislative session combined with a law court, as well as more casual visiting, bargaining, romancing, and gossiping, with a little feuding thrown in for good measure. Hence another name for the August festival, “Ting’s Tide.” Te thing opens and closes with a blot to Tyr, God of justice and law."

--AFA Founder Stephen McNallen

Asatru Folk Assembly

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