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The FMA Academy is offering a week of FREE classes to try out our programs.

We offer comprehensive training in the martial arts for self-defense.

Why Filipino Martial Arts? What's different about it?

The Filpino Martial Arts (FMA) is known for it's no nonsense approach to it's fighting effectiveness.

Unlike more traditional methods of training, participants start off with learning functional fundamentals from Day 1.

Our Panantukan - Dirty Boxing class starts off with teaching the striking aspects of basic boxing. Combined with the low lines kicks and strikes that target high priority targets, participants are quickly able to learn an effective system of self-defense.

But why is it called Dirty Boxing?

When Panantukan was brought to the US, they actually had to water it down. Taking out the knees, elbows, and other strikes that are not allowed in a sports event. However these same techniques that were taken out for competition become vital skills when dealing with a real self-defense situation. This system was made for ending a situation as quicikly as possible.

Our Kali - Filipino Martial Arts is our weapons trainign program. Unlike traditional systems of martial arts, you start off learning the weapons on Day 1. Often mistaken for a stick or blade based weapons system. Kali is actually a fully comprehensive system of self-defense. Attendees learn the fundamentals of not only using various tools, but more imporatatly, the skills necessary to deal with them.

Come and try all of our classes for 1 week FREE.

And when you decide to join us, you get your 2nd month of membership FREE.


Chris Thompson

The FMA Academy is Syracuse's premier training facility for the Filipino Martial Arts. We focus on teaching realistic self-defense and weapons training in a fun, judgement free environment.

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