First Timers 12+

Multiple Dates

34, Sidon Street, South Brisbane, QLD, 4101, Australia

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Multiple Dates

Memorial Park, 34, South Brisbane, QLD, 4101, Australia.

Suitable for absolute beginners aged 12 and over of any fitness level, First Timers class is a requirement to attend our other classes. This class involves discussion about various aspects of Parkour and training, and covers fundamental movements required in Parkour and our other classes. 

It is only required that you attend First Timers class once, but if you would like go through it multiple times that is fine. 

Brisbane Parkour Association

“The Brisbane Parkour Association (BPA) is a not-for-profit organisation committed to delivering parkour education and encouraging safe practice of parkour across SE Qld. The association aims to promote parkour as an inclusive movement discipline of self-progression, exploration and play that is accessible to anyone. The BPA is community oriented, facilitating classes and programs across SE Qld including public classes, school holiday workshops, youth development programs and liaising with councils and community groups.”

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