Embody DIVINE FEMININITY Yin Yoga Course

Multiple Dates

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Full course Partial Approval - €250.00

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In two payments (Balance in february 2020) Partial Approval - €147.00

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Multiple Dates

In Zuid Rotterdam 

THE NEW FEMININITY is waiting to be created by each one of us. Together we can strengthen our health and embody the powerful wisdom of the divine feminine when we develop awareness of the body. Inside this temple is a powerhouse of energy that transmits and anchors down the qualities of creation, intuition, (to sense not think), community, sensuality (felt sense), and qualities of collaboration.
When we restore tired and inflexible bodies we strengthen their ability to receive and activate this energy with powerful awareness in how we can live more aligned with our divine feminine qualities. We can stop incessant negative self talk and begin to sense and experience, receive and flow. We can detox from unhelpful actions and habits that keep us overgiving, overworking, burn resources, demanding from ourselves and pushing into life. We embody softness, gentility, care and a deep knowing that guides us in our life. This allows a new femininity to be born in each of us, that knows and understands that our life is ours to create. We must design how we wish to live, connected more deeply with what we truly need and deserve as women and as individuals. This helps us align also with divine power, our purpose and personal truth. This is what WOMEN OF TRUTH aspires to do, create more personal truth in women.
To accomplish this, we will develop in four ways during this course :
Restorative relaxing poses and ones designed to balance hormones and the lunar energy in the body will be taught every wednesday and friday mornings.These classes suit all body types, recovery from fatigue, stress, illness and injuries. Most are supported by deep silencing inner body awareness.
Natural breath and guided body awareness meditations and mindfulness practices will be included at the end of each YinYoga class. These sessions lower blood pressure increase vitality life force and mental focus.
During the course of two moths you can book your Relaxing full body massage and then your therapeutic full body massage with Ramona Sally. Visit the same space to develop this deeper awareness of your body's wisdom through touch.
Classes will be integrating psychology, awakening mind exercises and divine femininity teachings, sacred sound and guidance to help you grow.
€255 (Incl. €5 eventzilla fee) for 16 classes of restorative and gentle yinyoga for women and meditation, (€10 per class). Two full body, one relaxation and one therapeutic massages to develop your body awareness, restore the body through winter and to deepen your experience of divine femininity.
There is possibility to pay in two payments of €151 (Incl €4 eventzilla fee) with balance in February 2020.
Step into the sanctuary of Ramona Sally in Rotterdam Zuid, Charlois area. Experience the 'zen' sacred space, meet beautiful new friends ready to get more deeply connected with themselves and others, rest your mind and body and lift your spirit.
8 January - 28 February (8 week course)
-Massages by Massage Therapist Ramona Sallyhttps://www.ramonasally.nl/
-Classes Taught by naad yogi, psychologist + Women of Truth Conference and Inner circle founder Heleniq Argyrou M.A. Peak Performance Expert. Personality/Flow/Neuroscience/Women of Truth Female Leaders Launch in Europe Inner Circle Innovator. www.heleniqa.com
1. To register please make your complete payment €255 (Incl. Eventzilla fee) or first payment of two €151 (Incl Eventzilla fee). The balance payment of €151 (Incl Eventzilla fee) must be made in February 2020.
2. Then call 0611101757 to receive studio venue address and confirm your place or email ahaiqmail@gmail.com with 'YINYOGA' in the title/subject to receive the details. Payment can also be made with bank transfer when you request details in an email.
3. Arrive 915am Monday 8 December with small blanket and towel.
More info :
'Yinalithea' Women of Truth -
Heleniq Argyrou Linkedin :
Videos by Heleniq A : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ3y4rRC_R5XecldhknbQZA
Article by Heleniq A Your Magnetic field :
Relationships : http://www.ahaintelligence.com/page/19/?s
Divine Femininity Videos :
Divine Femininity Article :

Panagiota Loizidou

Heleniq Argyrou - Clinical Psychologist, breakthrough trainer and peak performance expert in eliminating limiting beliefs AND building skills that transform these bad habits with new ones and new skills. Specialises in conferences for powerful legacy building, peak performance and leadership. She is a highly trained and accomplished drummer on djembe, frame and tambourine and a drum therapist.

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