Effective Communication Training

Wednesday, 13 July 2022 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM AEST

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Wednesday, 13 July 2022 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM AEST

A guide to effective communication training


Reexamine the basics of communication

What is communication? It is a common use of communication. To make an utter a communication tool, what must be there? What is the importance of context? These questions are accompanied by the need for a brief review of linguistics. This will cover the hows and whys, as well as all the details that people use every day but never stop to consider. Effective Communication Training believes that it is essential that learners rediscover their roots and examine the basics of communication and language. This will provide a framework and backbone for their future endeavors.

Develop their communication skills and be able to interact with others.

What is assertive communications? What is submissive communication? What is aggressive communication? Effective Communication training teaches participants how to identify each style and the various attitudes, mannerisms, traits, and behaviors that they display while communicating with others. There are many strategies, methods and ways to converse with these different styles. By the end of the course learners will be able to demonstrate proficiency in their interactions with them.
Learners will be encouraged to learn their communication style and apply it to the right situations.

Recognize and overcome social barriers

There are many barriers that can hinder and halt interactions with others. These barriers can vary greatly and are often very severe and difficult to overcome. They can be physical, such as the medium of interaction, such as faulty internet connectivity, or socio-cultural. This could include differences in customs and traditions from different countries, as well as differences in etiquette and other forms. Conceptual differences, such as conflicting ideologies and biases, may also exist. The People Skills course teaches learners how to recognize these barriers and to devise strategies to overcome them. They also learn to use reliable and trustworthy research materials from relevant fields.

Be sensitive to context demands

Like language as a whole statements, utterances and the like all have to be understood within a specific context. The context, the person being spoken to and the task at hand all can affect the intended meaning. This can add an extra layer to the process, and it creates a sense of uncertainty. One communicating with a colleague and a superior is a concrete example. This can result in an employee being expelled from their job.
This is especially important in workplaces where context can change the meaning of statements. Effective Communication Training participants will be well-informed, equipped and able to correctly interpret statements keeping context in mind.

Use strategies and methods that streamline communication

Certain linguistic phenomena emerge in most workplaces. Shorthand phrases, jargon, words that have very specific meanings and are adapted to the environment, as well as other bizarre abbreviations and sentence structures that must be studied or taught. Effective Communication Training teaches people how to observe and understand the creation of workplace linguistic phenomena in other workplaces. They then learn to adapt or create their workplace language, while also noticing the benefits and pitfalls for outsiders.

Sophia Caton