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4949 Alton Parkway, Irvine, Ca, 92604, United States

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Multiple Dates

St. Paul's Greek Orthodox Church, 4949 Alton Parkway, Irvine, Ca, 92604, United States.




Before   Attending


What you are asked to do and understand before and as you arrive.



Those with any signs or symptoms of any acute illness (whether it is COVID-19 or not) MUST stay home, as should those who have com i n t co n t a c t w i t C O V I D- 1 9 .  I t  i s  s t ro n g l r e c o mm e n d e that parishioners who are 65 or older, especially those living in long-term care facilities and who suffer from serious medical conditions such as cardiac and / or pulmonary disease, diabetes, a compromised immune system, or other underlying health issues, participate in live- streamed services home at this time. Questions should be directed to your healthcare provider.



At the present time, seating in our sanctuary is limited to 100 people by the State of C a l i f o r n i a a n d l oc a h e a l t d e p a r t m e n t r e g u l a t i o n s o n s oc i a l g a th e r i n g s . Additional seating in the Event Center and Parish Hall will also be made available. Reservations are necessary to accommodate the limited number of worshippers that we are allowed in a fair manner. O n l i n a n p h o n e -in reservations will be required Of Those desiring to expect. T h o s e arriving to church without a booking May be turned away if there are no available s e a t s .



To minimize the handling and exchanging of currency in the church, please consider either making your stewardship and donations and candle purchases through electronic giving or by preparing your offering in an envelope to be brought to church and deposited in the Narthex or mailed to the  Church O ff i c e . T r a y w i ll  n o b p a ss e d u r i n t h s e r vi c e .



By voluntarily entering St. Paul's campus, you affirm that you are not currently ill or experiencing COVID-19 symptoms; you agree to abide by the social distancing and safety guidelines being practiced at St. Paul's including wearing a face mask and observing social distancing; you acknowledge that while safety measures are being taken by the church, it cannot guarantee the safety of every person present. You further acknowledge that while the recommended CDC, State and local County safety measures are being taken by the Church, the parish cannot guarantee that there is no risk of infection for attendees. If you are not able to agree and affirm the above statements, we ask that you remain at home to participate in livestreamed services.


St Paul's Greek Orthodox Church


St. Paul's Greek Orthodox Church + Make Love Your Aim - 1 Corinthians 14:1

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