DISRUPTHR Los Angeles - Spring 2023 Event

Wednesday, 10 May 2023 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM PDT

700, Jackson Street, Los Angeles, CA, 90012, United States

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General Admission (In-House HR) Partial Approval - $40.00

This ticket is reserved for in-house HR practitioners (recruiters, benefit specialist etc).

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Vendor/Consultant General Admission Partial Approval - $65.00

This ticket is for vendors (benefit brokers, lawyers, consultants, tech vendors) who want to attend the event, but not serve as sponsor.

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Student/Job Seeker Ticket Partial Approval - $20.00

Tickets for active college students or those actively seeking employment due to recent layoffs.

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Attending Partner Ticket Partial Approval - $500.00

This ticket is for partners wishing to join us as an attending partner. This ticket includes one entry into the event. Post event attendee list. Logo on ticket and DISRUPTHR website.

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Speakers/ Vendors Partial Approval - Free

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Discounted Ticket Partial Approval - $30.00

Discounted Ticket vendors and partners can use to engage their network.

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Participating Partner Ticket Partial Approval - $1,500.00

This ticket is for those wishing to join us as a participating partner. This partnership includes 2 tickets to the event. Social shares on both the main DisruptHR channels (60,000 followers) and Sabrina’s (20,000 followers) Post event attendee list. Logo on ticket and DISRUPTHR website.

sales ended

Presenting Partner Ticket Partial Approval - $2,500.00

This ticket is for those wishing to join us as presenting partners for this event. This ticket includes 3 tickets to the event (1 speaker ticket and 2 additional attendees). Guaranteed speaker slot at sponsored event. DISRUPTHR blog post mentions on the Acacia HR Blog Three minutes podium time at sponsored event. Social shares on both the main DISRUPTHR channels (60,000 followers) and Sabrina’s (20,000 followers) Pre and post event attendee email list for every event

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Wednesday, 10 May 2023 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM PDT

Boomtown Brewery, 700, Los Angeles, CA, 90012, United States.


An evening at a DISRUPTHR event offers networking, social engagement and hard-hitting topics that you won't find at other HR events. Following the idea of the Ignite HR events, each talk is 5 minutes with 20 slides that auto-advance every 15 seconds.  

Doors open at 5:30 for networking. Speakers take the stage around 6:15.

You can see previous talks or apply to be a speaker at our next event here. 

Ticket price covers food and parking.

Cancellations and full refunds will be given up to one week before event date. After that, no refunds will be given.

Sabrina Baker

DISRUPTHR Los Angeles is organized by Sabrina Baker and her team at Acacia HR Solutions.

Contact the Organizer

Tina Robinson
Coach, Facilitator, Consultant

Go Small to Go Big: The Power of Micropractices to Shift Engagement: Micro: “very small, involving minute quantities or variations” Practice: “a systematic exercise for proficiency” So a micropractice is something small we do to become better at something larger. Like...work. Relationships. Engagement. Happiness. Organizations invest time and resources in broad sweeping “be happy at work” programs for the many - when what truly shifts engagement is focused attention on the one. Engagement is personal, what makes me engaged may do nothing for you. In five minutes together, we will explore three micropractices that support increased engagement and strengthen relationships: defining, holding, and recognizing boundaries; expressing gratitude and recognizing and appreciating the positive; identifying, using, and celebrating our unique strengths. Investing a few minutes each day in reflection on these micropractices will yield substantial results - happier, healthier, energized, engaged humans. Small is the new big!


About Tina Robinson

Coach, Facilitator, Consultant
Matt Gjertsen
Owner, Chief Learning Officer
Better Every Day Stuios

Give Your Training the TikTok Treatment: When it comes to creating training for your company, the standard is usually holding a 1-hour session, recording it, then sending the link out so everyone else can watch it. Only no one does. If you want to create training content your employees will watch, you need to do more to get their attention. Thankfully, there are easy ways you can take the content you already have and make it more engaging for the TikTok era.


About Matt Gjertsen

Owner, Chief Learning Officer
Better Every Day Stuios
Kim Hamer
Chief Compassion and Productivity Officer

Employee Death: Managing the Impact at Work In the last four months, there have been 25 mass shootings, where 73 adults were killed. Everyone recognizes that their families are grieving. However, a group that often goes unnoticed is the coworkers. Death happens, and workplaces often have to deal with the aftermath. When not addressed, employee grief negatively affects an organization, costing millions of dollars in lost productivity, low engagement, and increased turnover. The normal HR response is to reach out to grief counselors. However, they do NOT help managers manage a grieving team! In this presentation, Kim Hamer, Chief Compassion and Productivity Officer, will share five strategies that any manager or HR team can use to reduce the short- and long-term negative effects of an employee's death on an organization. What you do as an HR leader matters because you matter!


About Kim Hamer

Chief Compassion and Productivity Officer
Carolina Caro
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Consultant
Carolina Caro LLC

Unlearning Generational Conditioning: Getting to the Root Cause of DEI Issues We do not see the world as it is. We see it through our unique lens that is informed by our lived experience, which is predominantly shaped during our formative years. By the time we are adults, our perspective of the world has been deeply ingrained. It is this subconscious programming that dictates most of our decision making and cements our habits. We bring this into the workplace on a daily basis and yet, we don’t even acknowledge that this is what is underneath our barriers to creating engaging workplaces that are inclusive and foster a sense of belonging. As a result, we have a responsibility to help leaders unlearn the aspects of their generational conditioning (the beliefs and behaviors that are inherited from their upbringing) that are no longer serving the workplace of today.

About Carolina Caro

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Consultant
Carolina Caro LLC
Heather Backstrom
Leadership Coach
Backstrom Leadership Strategies

Amplify Your Authentic Talents and Expertise This talk is based on content from my women's leadership book, "Collaborative Confidence: How women leaders can activate self-awareness, amplify their authentic talents and accelerate workplace change." Feeling and exuding confidence is key to a woman's success and happiness. A precursor to confidence, is eliminating micro-diminishing behaviors. These are those small, yet notable behaviors, that diminish a woman's confidence. They range from over apologizing to giving too much credit to other people at the expense of their own. Amplifying confidence boosting behaviors makes a woman stand out in the crowd, allowing her talents to shine. This talk includes strategies to do just that. It also emphasizes how women can boost each other's confidence and be a champion for each other.

About Heather Backstrom

Leadership Coach
Backstrom Leadership Strategies
Hari Abburi
Managing Partner
The Preparation Company

Moving from Digital Natives to AI Natives While many businesses still are on a digital transformation journey, the past 15 years have seen the birth of digital natives. Now we see the birth of AI native companies that are radically transforming business models. What are the characteristics and differences from Digital to AI natives? How does this impact business models, leadership, organization & HR? (This is from my new research and upcoming article on Fast Co.)

About Hari Abburi

Managing Partner
The Preparation Company
Amanda Mausner
Organizational Change Consultant
Notion Consulting

Be the Pilot of Change at Work and in Life Hello! Organizations that want to remain relevant and successful in 2023 and beyond must evolve and transform faster than ever. Large-scale strategy, technology and culture change is necessary to remain competitive and sustainable, but it requires strong change leadership to navigate and execute. Being a strong change leader is no longer a nice to have, but it’s a must-do --- and it begins with leaders becoming the “pilots” of change and bringing their people with them using their heads & hearts. To be a successful leader in 2023, you must not only have your vision, but you need to engage the mindsets and influence the behaviors of your people.

About Amanda Mausner

Organizational Change Consultant
Notion Consulting
Pearce Cucchissi
Performance Advisor
Built to Evolve

Solving Burnout in the Modern Workforce: Lessons from Military Special Operations Sharing personal experience with burnout and chronic stress during and after war, learn how companies can cultivate resilience through holistic health, use vulnerability as a tool for growth and radically help veterans transitioning back into the workforce.

About Pearce Cucchissi

Performance Advisor
Built to Evolve

About United Agencies Insurance

https://ua-insurance.com/ Sponsor Logo

About Acacia HR Solutions

www.acaciahrsolutions.com Sponsor Logo


www.haworth.com Sponsor Logo