Current Global Topics and Its Impact on Humanity

Saturday, 3 December 2022 7:00 AM - 11:00 AM PST

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Saturday, 3 December 2022 7:00 AM - 11:00 AM PST

      These are the topics of discussion you can expect to hear from Dr. Berceli during this event.

1.     As a way of keeping TRE relevant considering the advancement in medical science, we have to continue to give explanation to the tremor mechanism and the possible way in which it is affecting the human organism. I will try to explain the advancement of our understanding of the tremor mechanism from a neurological, biological, anatomical and energetic perspective.

2.     Additional science is placing more emphasis on the role of the interaction between the cranial brain, heart brain and abdominal pelvic brain. In light of these relatively new concepts, how can we explain the TRE process and the effect it has on these different brain regions in the human body.

3.     How are the social, political, energetic and the ‘new consciousness‘ ideas affecting global humanity and what effects is this having on us as individuals and a TRE community?  I want to try to give some deeper reflection and potential understanding of what is happening in the world and how it is affecting everyone. What role might the TRE experience play in regulating our nervous system to help keep the human person in a grounded perspective during these tumultuous times?








Marina Radovic

Join us for this unique opportunity to hear Dr. David Berceli discuss different areas important to TRE. We will open the floor for a global discussion.

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