Control Influence Accept Model: Manage Stress and Feeling Overwhelmed

Tuesday, 19 April 2022 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM MDT

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Tuesday, 19 April 2022 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM MDT

Many of us have busy lives and busy minds. We might think that the more we do, the more we'll achieve. But there can come a time when tasks and worries start to pile up, and the burden of things we feel we must do becomes too heavy.

We start to feel overwhelmed, and this can cause stress. But we can lighten the load by shifting our focus away from the demands that are making us feel anxious, and toward our responses to those demands.

In this workshop, we explore how to cope with overwhelm using the Control Influence Accept (CIA) model.

Training and Development Network LLC

Training and Development Network believes there is always a positive way to engage, develop, and inspire your participants and staff; create a supportive environment for diversity, equity, and inclusion; assess opportunities to build on current knowledge or skills; and facilitate change management for any organization. We believe in engaging, actionable programs to immediately implement tools for change and growth. TAD offers a variety of services for both the individual and the organization. We are here to help you navigate challenges, or achieve your project, organizational, or event goals. Contact us to start your proactive journey today.

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Melissa Walker, Ph.D.
Training and Development Network, LLC

About Melissa Walker, Ph.D.

Training and Development Network, LLC