Monday, 24 June 2024 5:00 PM - Friday, 28 June 2024 10:00 AM PDT

31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, 93563, United States

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Monday, 24 June 2024 5:00 PM - Friday, 28 June 2024 10:00 AM PDT

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CALLED TO COMMUNITY: Becoming Fully Human and Spiritually Alive as Members of One Another


The early Christian community in Jerusalem (Acts 2: 42-47) prayed and shared all things in common.  St. Benedict proposed that those monks who live a community life are the strongest kind of monks, because growth in love must be concrete: involving mutual encouragement, inspiration, obedience to higher shared values, correctives to ego-centeredness, and constant reminders of the need for a God-centered way of life.  No one is an island unto themselves.  Belonging to others and sharing life with others is the normal path of human maturity, wisdom, and flourishing.  While the nuclear family is the foundation of community living, there are a many other modes and experiences of ‘life together’ that become intentional life choices.  This workshop will explore ways that each of us can become ‘members of one another’ by developing relations of trust, modes of belonging, tending the individual good while building a togetherness that is truly an image of Trinitarian love even in our broken and imperfect world.


FR. FRANCIS BENEDICT has been a monk of Valyermo since 1967.  He earned a BA in philosophy from Loyola-Marymount University and an MA in Theology from Mt. Angel in Oregon.  He was ordained a priest in 1976. He served as the Abbey’s first abbot [1992-2008]. His special areas of ministry include spiritual direction, preaching retreats, and working with 12-step recovery groups and individuals.  In addition to many responsibilities at the Abbey, he also serves as the Director of Oblates.



NORVENE VEST is an Episcopal laywoman and Benedictine Oblate returning this summer to her home monastery of St. Andrew's. She has written six books on Benedictine Spirituality for Oblates and for people living in the everyday world outside the cloister. She is an internationally recognized writer and speaker.


St. Andrew's Abbey Retreat Office

Phone: (661) 944-2178


Office hours: 8:30am-5:00pm

(Closed for Mass and lunch 11:45am-1:30pm)