Body Reflexology Certification - Fredericton, NB

Tuesday, 25 April 2017 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM AST

TBA Fredericton, NB, E3B 4Y7, Canada

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Full Tuition Partial Approval - $195.00

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Tuesday, 25 April 2017 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM AST

Body Reflexology Certification

Fredericton, NB

April 25, 2017, 9am-5pm

Location: TBA


Body reflexes are located directly over (or opposite) the corresponding organ, gland or part—and when massaged with reflexology techniques, affect those corresponding areas. All the reflexology principles apply, but the techniques vary from traditional reflexology techniques to those that resemble acupressure, applied over a larger surface area with broad pressure or kneading. Body reflexes can be accessed over clothing or on skin. We will be studying a body reflex map, with emphasis on improving bowel function, releasing the diaphragm, and quick body reflex ‘tricks’.



25 hour Body Reflexology Certification:

7 hours class instruction
14 hours practicum (7 practicum sessions: 7 people X 1 session, with health record keeping)
4 hours independent assignments 




Theory of Body Reflexology; Body Orientation and Reflex Layout; Referral Areas as Body Reflexes; Co- and Contra-lateral Reflexes; Superior to Inferior Body Reflex Relationships; Body Reflexes and Techniques for Improved Digestion, Headaches, Shoulder and Hip Imbalances; Fingers and Palm Positions and Reflexology Application; Soothing (Sedative effect) and Stimulating (Vitality Effect) Techniques; Indications and Contraindications; Practicum and Record Keeping Guidelines.


Textbook/workbook: provided.


*PRE-REQUISITE: Foot reflexology student status with the Atlantic School of Reflexology, OR professional status as a Certified Reflexology Therapist from any institution with a minimum 30-hour class instruction format.


Certificate Awarded: Following class instruction: Certificate of Attendance attesting to 7 hours of training;

Following completion of full course requirements: Certificate of Advanced Training attesting to 25 hours of training


Format/Tuition: 1 day, $195

Cancellation policy

$100 non refundable deposit required to secure registration.  If ASR must cancel course due to unforseen circumstances deposit will be refunded.

Atlantic School of Reflexology

The Atlantic School of Reflexology was founded by Jennifer Johnson in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada in 1999 to educate and ensure the safe and effective practice of reflexology and other holistic modalities by healthcare providers. The schools focus is to see graduates add value to their current health services offered, or to gain certification in order to offer professional bodywork to clients in their own private practice setting.

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