BBB Lunch N' Learn: 8 Strategies for Great Work Cultures SA 11/10

Thursday, 10 November 2022 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM CST

14250 San Pedro Ave, San Antonio, Texas, 78232, United States

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BBB Accredited Business Partial Approval - $10.00

This option is for current BBB Accredited Businesses. Limit (1) per business.

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BBB Accredited Business- FREE Partial Approval - Free

If you are a BBB Accredited Business, this is your free single ticket.

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Guest of BBB Accredited Business Registration Partial Approval - $25.00

(1) guest maximum allowed per business. Space is limited. Please contact for additional information.

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Non-Accredited Business Registration Partial Approval - $30.00

If you are a future or non-Accredited BBB business, this is your ticket.

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  • Fee
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2. Review and Proceed

Thursday, 10 November 2022 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM CST

Alamo Cafe- 281/Bitters, 14250 San Pedro Ave, San Antonio, Texas, 78232, United States.

Enjoy lunch with BBB and learn tips to keep your best performers engaged and happy. Entry is FREE for the first 15 BBB Accredited Businesses. Limited number of $25 guest tickets available upon request. Non-Accredited Business entry is $30. 

This workshop is designed for businesses who want to learn how to keep top employees and combat employee fatigue in the wake of the Great Regeneration. Our presenter is Michellea Millis Rucker, Founder/CEO of Transforming Our Practice, LLC, A BBB Accredited Business.

Doors open at 11:30a.m. for networking. Presentation starts at 12:00pm. This is a 1 hour, interactive workshop with door prizes. 

LUNCH: Plates served include rice/beans, guacamole, drink served with your choice of:

  • Sizzling fajitas: Beef & chicken fajitas
  • Fiesta platter: Cheese enchilada/beef taco/chalupa
  • Fajita Salad: Topped with beef/chkn fajitas

Space is limited to the first 20 registrants. Both BBB and Alamo Cafe maintain all the recommended CDC & safety protocols during the event.

BBB Education Foundation

Better Business Bureau® serving the Heart of Texas serves more than 100 counties across Texas with offices in Austin, San Antonio, Midland-Odessa, Fort Worth, Waco, Corpus Christi, and Bryan-College Station. The mission of BBB is to be the leader in advancing marketplace trust. For over 100 years, BBB has helped people make smarter decisions and is evolving to meet fast changing marketplace needs.

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