Global Intensive -Barcelona - Shame as a Doorway - August 15, 2020

Saturday, 15 August 2020 11:00 AM - 3:30 PM PDT

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Saturday, 15 August 2020 11:00 AM - 3:30 PM PDT

Please use this link to register

Cancellation policy

Cancellation fee is $25 prior to the first day of the Intensive. No refunds for cancellations on or after the first day of the Intensive. Registration is not transferable to another event or person. Any deposits are not refundable.

Please contact immediately if you need to cancel.

New Dharma is a nonprofit organization founded in 2009 to support the teachings of Sat Shree. New Dharma’s purpose is to inspire mankind to embrace a new consciousness through actively living universal spiritual principles in everyday life. The mission of New Dharma is to manifest a new spiritual culture that is in alignment with universal spiritual principles, and by doing so inspire mankind to create a sustainable future.

Contact the Organizer

What happens when a successful architect and community activist in 1998, in a moment of despondency and alienation, collapses onto his drafting table—and wakes up hours later with Ecstatic energy coursing through every cell in his body? Because an awakening is only the beginning of the spiritual journey, not the end. And when, as in Sat Shree’s case, there had been no preparation, no spiritual questing or even desire for a more spiritual life, this kind of rude, “kundalini” awakening can be easily mistaken for enlightenment. Somehow he knew it was a temporary state and therefore not the final answer. And so his journey began, leading away from his middle class life in Nevada, to a meeting with a teacher far ahead of him on the path, to years in an ashram in India, through increasingly ecstatic—and equally challenging —meditative experiences, through four distinct stages of enlightenment, and back to the United States. He is now the spiritual director and co-founder along with his wife, Satyamayi, of the New Dharma community in Nevada, where the force that is at work within him is shifting the reality of people that are drawn to it. Sat Shree’s mission is to manifest a new spiritual culture that is in alignment with universal spiritual principles, and by doing so inspire mankind to create a sustainable future. “My work,” he says, “is to show people how to collaborate with the natural maturation process that occurs when one is on the spiritual path. A process that, in fact, all of mankind is going through.”

About Sat Shree
