Action for M.E. 2017 conference and AGM

Thursday, 16 November 2017 9:45 AM - 4:30 PM GST

Bishops Square, London, E1 6AD, United Kingdom

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Thursday, 16 November 2017 9:45 AM - 4:30 PM GST

Allen and Overy, Bishops Square, , London, E1 6AD, United Kingdom.

Action for M.E.'s annual AGM and conference offers a valuable opportunity to share your views and experiences with others affected by M.E., meet Action for M.E. staff, Trustees and volunteers, and hear more about the services and support we can offer you and your family.

You are welcome to attend for all or part of the day (please state this when booking your ticket); we look forward to meeting you.

The venue is fully accessible but please do let us know if you have any questions about this; a separate quiet room with chairs is provided should you need to take a break.

Supporting children with M.E.

We want to offer the best possible information and support service for children and young people living with M.E., building on the existing work of our expert Children's Services Team. To do this, we need your help to understand what is needed, so that we can design a service that reduces isolation, increases knowledge and awareness, and ensures equality of care for children with M.E. and their families. At this conference, young people, their parents and professionals that work with them will lead a consultation session, asking you to share your views and experiences.

Jen Brea's M.E. documentary, Unrest

This year, Action for M.E. is thrilled to present a screening of this award-winning film (running time 97 minutes) by US film-maker Jen Brea, who became ill with M.E. when she was studying for a PhD at Harvard. "It’s my hope that we can build a movement to transform the lives of patients with M.E.; accelerate the search for a cure; and bring a greater level of compassion, awareness, and empathy to millions upon millions of patients and their loved ones wrestling chronic illness or invisible disabilities," she says.


09.45   Registration and refreshments
For delegates attending our AGM and consultation session

10.15   Welcome
Jonah Grunsell, Chair of Board of Trustees, Action for M.E.

10.25   Action for M.E. Annual General Meeting (AGM)
With 2016-2017 updates from Sonya Chowdhury, Chief Executive and Philip Marsden, Treasurer

11.30   Comfort break

11.40   Children’s services consultation
Led by young people, their parents/carers, and the professionals supporting them

13.15   Lunch

14.00   Registration for those coming to watch the film
If you would like to come to the film only, please arrive from 2pm onwards.

14.15   Unrest
Screening of Jen Brea’s award-winning M.E. documentary

15.55 Comfort break

16.05   Q&A
Chaired by Jonah Grunsell, Chair of Board of Trustees, Action for M.E.

16.30   Close and depart

Voluntary donations welcome

Having successfully sought funding to cover part of the costs of this event, we are pleased to be able to offer places to delegates without charge. Any voluntary contributions to the remaining costs would be most gratefully received; you can do this via the Action for M.E. website or by calling us on 0117 927 9551. Thank you.

Taking part from home

For those who aren’t able to attend, our consultation session will also be hosted virutally so you can take part from home: please email to register your interest in taking part in online roundtable discussions. Our AGM will also be livestreamed and/or filmed; please see Action for M.E.’s news updates for further updates on this.

Sonya Chowdhury

UK charity Action for M.E. takes action to end the ignorance, injustice and neglect experienced by people with M.E. We do this by We do this by meeting need now to improve the lives of people with M.E. while taking action to secure change for the future. Find out more at

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