44th International Utility Nuclear Fuel Performance Conference

Friday, 21 September 2018 12:00 AM - Sunday, 30 September 2018 12:00 AM EST

601 Pacific Hwy, San Diego, CA, 92101, United States

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Friday, 21 September 2018 12:00 AM - Sunday, 30 September 2018 12:00 AM EST

This Conference is a unique forum for utility personnel to openly discuss:

* Fuel reliability

* Drive to Zero activities

* Current and new fuel designs

* Impact on fuel performance of transitions to 18 and 24-month cycles

* Fuel vendor interactions

* Fuel reliability improvement programs

* Healthy fuel inspections

* Experiences related to fuel and core component inspections

* Fuel failure detection techniques

* Fuel interactions with advanced water chemistries

* Fuel reconstitution and repair

* New or reemerging failure mechanisms

* Secondary fuel degradation experiences at individual plants

* Emerging fuel performance/design issues


Utility personnel involved with fuel fabrication, design, quality assurance, reliability, chemistry or operation are encouraged to attend. Numerous organizations from around the world have attended prior conferences. The success of this conference depends, to a large extent, upon the number of organizations who send representatives and the active participation of those representatives. As in the past, research organizations (such as EPRI, DOE, and national labs), utility consultants, and INPO representatives are also invited. The format of the 2018 Conference will be similar to previous International Utility Fuel Performance Conferences in that to encourage open discussion of utility activities, the fuel vendor representatives will NOT be in attendance.


Each attending organization is strongly encouraged to provide a presentation on their recent fuel performance issues or other pertinent information. Presentations are typically 15-30 minutes in length, longer if needed for detailed subjects. However, we want to encourage ALL utilities to provide their latest fuel performance status at this meeting. If you only have 5 slides to show your status, it would be greatly appreciated by everyone in attendance!! Also, due to time limitations, it is often not possible to deliver detailed technical presentations. However, if you have a specific detailed topic you would like to share during the Conference, please consider writing a report which can be handed out for review. This would be a good way to exchange information and to receive feedback.

Matt Freeman


The Conference is an excellent opportunity to keep abreast of the challenges, successes and problems faced by utilities relative to fuel performance. Conference questions? Contact: Steve Sparks by calling (619) 354-5632 or email ssparks@structint.com

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