2020 Misophonia Convention

Thursday, 8 October 2020 8:00 PM - Saturday, 10 October 2020 5:00 PM EST

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For a family’s additional device Partial Approval - $25.00

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Speaker/Presenter (Code Needed) Partial Approval

If you will be speaking at the 2020 Misophonia Convention, please contact the Board of Directors to receive the registration code needed

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Donation of any amount to the Misophonia Association ($40 Donation includes 1-Year Membership to the Misophonia Association)

Sale ends on 10/10/2020

Donate Today and Help make a difference! The Misophonia Association is a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to nurturing sufferers of Misophonia while helping professionals towards their efforts at pursuing a cure. All of the contributions we receive go towards this goal, which we pursue through Education, Advocacy, Research, and Support (EARS).

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Thursday, 8 October 2020 8:00 PM - Saturday, 10 October 2020 5:00 PM EST


The 2020 Misophonia Convention

 will be held October 9-10, 2020 with the possibility of an optional meet-and-greet evening reception on Thursday, October 8.

*This event will be held online and instructions on how to attend

will be provided before the convention.



The conference will be held on Friday, October 9 and Saturday, October 10, from 11:30 AM - 8 PM (EDT), with a possible (to be confirmed later) meet-and-greet reception on Thursday evening, October 8, from 8 - 10 PM (EDT). There will be presentations, topic and discussion groups and 2-hour lunch breaks on Friday and Saturday. The detailed schedule, including information about speakers and topics, will be made available soon.

The Convention will feature the most current and relevant research and information about Misophonia, including presentations from diverse fields of expertise and life, social opportunities and support from others with Misophonia, and interactive sessions and activities. Keep an eye out here and on our website this summer for details on programming.

Our overall goal remains to create an affordable convention that will bring you the very best in current thinking, coping, management, new knowledge, and practical sessions with useful advice and support.


CANCELLATIONSCancellations made no later than September 18, 2020 will be refunded at 50%, less Eventzilla registration fees. Cancellations made no later than September 28, 2020 will receive a 25% refund, less Eventzilla registration fees.


SCHOLARSHIPSThose wishing to apply for a scholarship towards their registration fee may contact the Misophonia Association Board at misoassociation@gmail.com. Please share information about yourself and the reason for your scholarship request.



Reach us by email: misoassociation@gmail.com

Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MisophoniaAssociation/

Visit our website: http://www.misophonia-association.org/


Misophonia Association


The Misophonia Association is a Non-Profit Organization that was founded in 2013 in Portland, Oregon after the first annual Misophonia Convention, with subsequent conventions in Orlando, Chicago, Las Vegas, Bloomington, Minnesota and most recently, in Denver. Our Non-profit association goals and mission include: Education, Advocacy, Research, Support, and to assist those who suffer from the condition of Misophonia, as well as their families. We stand together in our rejection of bias, prejudice, and exclusion. We value respect, encouragement, professionalism and courteous speech and behavior. We recognize effort, intentions and accomplishment. We applaud helpfulness, positivity, and collaboration. We have made tremendous progress in the past few years. We are committed to our annual convention, which allows us to present a platform for gathering current and potential researchers and clinicians, and to work directly with those who suffer from Misophonia along with their families to encourage exploration and support as a group. We continue to press for legitimate peer-reviewed professional research, and we are committed to long-term dedicated and professional activities. The Misophonia Association is a non-profit funded with volunteer effort and donated time and funds.

Contact the Organizer

Adeel Ahmad
MisophoniaPodcast Host

Adeel Ahmad, host of the Misophonia Podcast, has Misophonia and interviews other "Misophones" from around the world. In his podcast you will hear candid conversations with people that have Misophonia. He is the creator of The Miso List, a directory of products and businesses by Misophones. Adeel also supports fellow misophones as the administrator of the Midwest Misophones Support Group. During the day Adeel is a software engineer and entrepreneur, currently an Engineering Manager at Caterpillar Digital Labs.

https://www.misophoniapodcast.com; https://www.misolist.com/

About Adeel Ahmad

MisophoniaPodcast Host
Sara Bidler
Licensed Therapist LMFT

Sara Bidler is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Advanced Level Somatic Experiencing Trainee. She has a private practice in Minnesota and takes a body-based approach to helping clients release stress and trauma. As someone who has had misophonia since her early teen years, she has a passion for helping others who are struggling with this condition. Sara will be facilitating the session “Adults with Miso.”


About Sara Bidler

Licensed Therapist LMFT
Ellen Davenport
Support Group Admin

Ellen is the administrator for the Northeast Regional Misophonia Support Group on Facebook. The group has more than 350 members located anywhere from D.C. all the way up to Maine. Ellen created the group to help people in the Northeast U.S. region make connections with one another and discuss experiences with providers in the area. The members have made the group so much more than that; it’s now a place where we ask questions, share concerns and personal stories, and provide support to one another. The support in the group is akin to what Ellen saw at the 2018 and 2019 Misophonia Conventions: people who have Misophonia, and those who have a loved one with Misophonia, “just get it.” It’s this instant bond and understanding that draws Ellen to stay involved in the Misophonia community. She will be participating in a panel discussion with other misophonia support group leaders, discussing the role of support groups and how to start one if you are interested.


About Ellen Davenport

Support Group Admin
Tom Dozier
Behaviorist & Researcher

Tom Dozier is a behaviorist who has researched and provided treatment for misophonia for the past 8 years. He is author of Understanding and Overcoming Misophonia and 6 journal articles. Tom founded the non-profit Misophonia Institute in 2016 to promote misophonia awareness and research. He developed Relaxation and Counterconditioning Therapy as a behavioral treatment for misophonia and provides this treatment by video-chat. Tom will explain the learned reflex behavior theory of misophonia and how it is the core of Relaxation and Counterconditioning Therapy for misophonia. He will also provide a session on Progressive Muscle Relaxation which allows you to develop the neurological ability to relax your muscles on demand.


About Tom Dozier

Behaviorist & Researcher
Dr. Jill Ehrenreich-May
Professor of Psychology

Jill Ehrenreich-May, Ph.D. is Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and Assistant Department Chair for Academic Affairs and Research at the University of Miami. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Mississippi in 2002 and prior to joining the faculty at the University of Miami, was a Research Assistant Professor at the Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders at Boston University. Dr. Ehrenreich-May is the author of over 125 published works, including several treatment manuals, books and peer-reviewed publications. Dr. Ehrenreich-May's currently funded research includes effectiveness trials regarding treatment of youth emotional distress in community settings. She has a particular interest in transdiagnostic interventions for youth with emotional disorders that is predicated on the rationale that such disorders have substantial phenotypic overlap and respond to similar principles of change. She currently has research funding from NIH and several foundation sources to support this work. Dr. Ehrenreich-May is a recipient of a Misophonia Association grant and will be presenting the topic: A Novel Transdiagnostic Cognitive Behavior Therapy Approach for Youth with Misophonia

About Dr. Jill Ehrenreich-May

Professor of Psychology
Andrew Favini, Esq.
Staff Attorney DRP
Disability Rights PA

Andrew Favini, Esq. is a Staff Attorney with Disability Rights Pennsylvania (DRP). DRP is the federally-mandated protection and advocacy agency for people with disabilities in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania. As an attorney for DRP, Andrew has focused on special education rights for children with disabilities and cases to provide community supports to adults with disabilities, including employment accommodations and supports for independent living. Prior to his legal career, Andrew was a special education teacher and taught Emotional Support and Learning Support. Andrew received a Master of Science degree in Special Education from Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre, PA. He earned his Juris Doctor degree from Villanova University School of Law in Villanova, PA. With Andrew’s extensive experience in defending the rights of people with disabilities, he will be presenting on the topic of disability rights for people with misophonia. Specifically, he will enlighten people about IDEA, Section 504, and ADA. As an educational benefit law, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act or IDEA, offers additional services and protections for those with disabilities that are not offered to those without disabilities. Section 504 is a civil rights statute, requiring that schools, public or private, who receive federal financial assistance for educational purposes, not discriminate against children with disabilities. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 or ADA is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination based on disability.


About Andrew Favini, Esq.

Staff Attorney DRP
Disability Rights PA
Danielle Ferrucci
Support Group Admin

Danielle discovered she had something with a name on it when a friend told her about misophonia and was so relieved. She quickly discovered support groups on Facebook and after being a member of some groups which felt too large for her, she wanted a more intimate setting. So she started the Misophonia Support Group for Adults Only on Facebook and is the Admin for the group. She believes that support groups can be very therapeutic allowing one to share stories, hate, anger, frustration, to swear and even laugh! She will be participating in a panel discussion with other misophonia support group leaders, discussing the role of support groups and how to start one if you are interested.


About Danielle Ferrucci

Support Group Admin
Dr. Marti Glenn

Marti Glenn, PhD, Clinical Director of Ryzio Institute, offers professional trainings and intensive retreats to help adults transform their lives. An award winning and pioneering psychotherapist and educator, Marti is founding president of Santa Barbara Graduate Institute. SBGI is known for its graduate degrees in prenatal and perinatal psychology, somatic psychology and clinical psychology. In her clinical work and trainings, Marti emphasizes the integration of the latest research in a number of fields such as: Epigenetics, Polyvagal Theory, neuroscience, attachment, pre- and perinatal psychology, and trauma. She has produced a number of conferences relating to prenatal and birth issues. And, she co-produced the broadcast quality documentary, Trauma, Brain and Relationship: Helping Children Heal with Daniel Siegel and Bruce Perry. She has appeared in such documentary films as What Babies Want; What Babies Know; Reducing Infant Mortality and Improving the Health of Babies. She is a recipient of the Verny Lifetime Achievement Award in Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health. Marti is a frequent speaker at conferences worldwide. She lives in Santa Barbara, California and enjoys working with her husband Ken in their Ryzio Programs, both virtual and in-person. Outside of work, her greatest passion is being with her grandchildren. Marti will be presenting the topic: What Polyvagal Theory Can Tell Us About Misophonia


About Dr. Marti Glenn


Eva Gordon is a prolific multi-genre author of over twenty books. Eva creates epic plots, characters you love or even hate, romance, and page turning suspense. She has twenty published novels. Her recent book, Kingdom Misophonia, a Princess Hates Noise Fairy Tale was influenced by her fifty-year battle with misophonia. Eva has a Bachelor’s in Zoology and Masters in Biology. She also has a single subject life science teaching credential and taught high school science for over twenty years in private and public schools. Eva is married and has two adult children. She enjoys travel, hiking, and wildlife rehab. She is an active member of Sierra Club and is a Texas Master Naturalist. Eva will be facilitating the session “Coping with Miso through Creative Writing.”


About Eva Gordon

Shadee Hardy
Clinical Social Worker

Shadee Hardy, MSW, LCSW is a clinical social worker who has been providing individual psychotherapy and group therapy for sixteen years. In addition to treating misophonia, Shadee has misophonia; this puts her in a unique position to understand the experiences of her clients with misophonia and to provide treatments that are affirming, thoughtful, and effective. Shadee, a trained social worker, considers the impact and interaction between biological, social, and psychological factors in each individual. She utilizes a combination of mindfulness-based cognitive behavioral therapy to craft treatments that are individualized to each client. Her most recent focus is examining the usefulness of Radically Open DBT for treatment of misophonia. Radically Open DBT is a treatment for those who typically take an overcontrolled approach to coping. Shadee identifies as someone who leans towards overcontrol, and has found daily practice of radical openness to have a profound effect on her ability to connect, accept, and approach situations flexibly-all vital to her coping with misophonia; she has seen this approach work quite successfully with her clients with misophonia as well.

About Shadee Hardy

Clinical Social Worker
Sam Hvidbjerg
Session Facilitator

Sam Hvidbjerg is 21 years old and lives in Austin, TX with her partner. She works full time at a restaurant and spends her free time playing video games, reading, and spending time with her dog and her family. She has had misophonia since she was about 12 years old. Sam will be facilitating a Meet and Greet session for KIDS / YOUNG TEENS (11-14) and a Discussion session for TEENS/YOUNG ADULTS.

About Sam Hvidbjerg

Session Facilitator
Dr. Jaelline Jaffe
Licensed Therapist LMFT

Jaelline Jaffe PhD, is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) and Misophonia Association Board member who has been instrumental in each of the previous five conventions. She has over 40 years of experience in offering dialectical and cognitive therapy to families and individuals, and began to offer help to those who suffer from Misophonia in her California based clinic and online during the past ten years.


About Dr. Jaelline Jaffe

Licensed Therapist LMFT

Marsha Johnson, AuD, has been devoted to the care of patients with tinnitus, hyperacusis and misophonia for 21 years at her Oregon Audiology Clinic. Her clinical background includes the terminal degree of her field, the Doctorate of Audiology (AuD). She has served on many different nonprofit boards including the American Tinnitus Association, the Tinnitus Practitioners Association, the Misophonia Association, and others.


About Dr. Marsha Johnson

Beth Lambert
Author and Educator
Epidemic Answers

Author, educator and former healthcare consultant, Beth Lambert has monitored and documented the escalating rates of childhood chronic conditions for nearly a decade. Her first book, A Compromised Generation, provides a thorough analysis of the origins of this modern health crisis and documents how modifications to environmental and lifestyle factors can profoundly influence health outcomes, including full disease reversal. Beth is also the co-author of Brain Under Attack: A Resource for Parents and Caregivers of Children with PANS, PANDAS, and Autoimmune Encephalitis. Beth is the founder and Executive Director of Epidemic Answers, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to reestablishing vibrant health in our children. She is also the creator and Executive Producer of The Documenting Hope Project, a multi-year prospective research study and media project that examines the cumulative impact of environmental stressors on health and their mitigation through personalized and systems-based treatment approaches. Beth is the mother of three children and is passionate about raising awareness about the connection between daily choices, human health, and planetary health. Beth will be presenting on the topic: Reversing PANS/PANDAS/OCD and other new childhood epidemics.

https://epidemicanswers.org/, https://documentinghope.com/, http://sentientpublications.com/shop/books/all-titles/a-compromised-generation/, https://brainunderattack.com/

About Beth Lambert

Author and Educator
Epidemic Answers
Alisa Lehman
Senior Product Scientist

Alisa Lehman is a Senior Product Scientist at 23andMe and has been working at the genomics and biotechnology company since 2015. Alisa holds a B.S. in Biology from MIT and a PhD in Biological Sciences from Stanford University. Her team works to create scientifically accurate, consumer-friendly genetic health features. When she's not geeking out on wacky science stories, Alisa spends a good chunk of her time cooking, backpacking, and playing board games. Alisa's presentation will focus on Investigating the Genetics of Misophonia with 23andMe.

About Alisa Lehman

Senior Product Scientist
Dr. Adam B. Lewin
Professor of Pediatrics

Adam B. Lewin, Ph.D., ABPP is a Professor of Pediatrics (joint appointment in Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience) and Interim Division Chief of Pediatric Neuropsychiatry at the University of South Florida College of Medicine. Dr. Lewin is a licensed psychologist and is board certified in Child and Adolescent Psychology. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Florida in Clinical and Health Psychology and residency/fellowship at the UCLA Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior. Dr. Lewin joined the University of South Florida faculty in 2009. He directs the USF Rothman Center for Neuropsychiatry, a multidisciplinary program advancing education, research and specialty clinical care for individuals with Obsessive-Compulsive, Tourette/tic and anxiety spectrum disorders including many youth with sensory sensitivities and related emotional/behavioral/functional problems. Dr. Lewin is the Director of the Tourette Association of America Center of Excellence at USF, is on the Scientific Advisory Board for the International OCD Foundation, and is on the Board of Directors for the American Board of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology. His research has focused on treatment development and clinical characterization for youth with OCD/tic spectrum disorders with current funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and several private foundations including the Ream Foundation's award for Misophonia. Dr. Lewin is a recipient of a Misophonia Association grant and will be presenting the topic: A Novel Transdiagnostic Cognitive Behavior Therapy Approach for Youth with Misophonia

About Dr. Adam B. Lewin

Professor of Pediatrics
Dr. Michael Mannino

Michael Mannino is currently Director of Programs at the Institute for Data Science and Computing at the University of Miami. He holds a PhD in neuroscience, having researched networks of the human brain involved in perception, learning and memory, attention, as well as embodied cognition. Michael is also an amateur athlete, focusing on a variety of different movement modalities, and interested in peak performance, cognitive enhancement and neurotechnologies, and the intersection of neuroscience and fitness. He also has a Masters degree in philosophy, specializing in philosophy of mind, consciousness, and science, and has been a professor of philosophy and critical thinking for 10 years, teaching ethics and moral reasoning, philosophy, logic, and comparative religion. Michael is very passionate about science communication, transhumanism and exponential technologies, and space science. Michael has one peer-reviewed publication on Misophonia, was 1 of 40 researchers invited to the REAM Foundation Misophonia Science Retreat, was on the advisory board for the Misophonia International Research Network, as well as the 2nd International Symposium on Misophonia EU Hyperacusis network. Dr. Mannino will be presenting on the topic: Brain Science and Misophonia

About Dr. Michael Mannino

Dr. Jill Meltzer
Audiologist & Consultant

Dr. Jill Meltzer is an audiologist and consultant who has been involved in tinnitus-related research and therapy for more than 40 years. In 2019 she was elected as chair for the American Tinnitus Association. Jill earned her Doctor of Audiology from Pennsylvania College of Optometry, School of Audiology (now Salus University), a Master of Arts in Teaching from Tulane University, and a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Denver. As an audiologist, she served at the North Shore Audio-Vestibular Lab in Highland Park, Illinois for over 30 years and before that at the Tulane Medical Center. While at the North Shore Audio-Vestibular Lab, Jill created the Tinnitus and Hyperacusis (Sound Sensitivity) Management Program. Her interest and expertise in tinnitus and other sound tolerance issues has been nationally recognized and she has a long list of publications and presentations to her credit, including “Seminars in Hearing, Tinnitus, Hyperacusis and Misophonia Tool Box.” Jill will be presenting on the topic of sound devices that are available to help misophonia sufferers.


About Dr. Jill Meltzer

Audiologist & Consultant
Marni Novick

Marni Novick, AuD, is founder of Silicon Valley Hearing, Inc., which opened its doors in 2014, with the promise of delivering honest and affordable hearing health care, along with exceptional customer service to her valued patients. Silicon Valley Hearing, Inc. has a specialty focus in the areas of tinnitus, hyperacusis, misophonia and auditory processing disorders. Due to personal experience with her own hearing loss, Dr. Novick decided to pursue a professional career in Audiology. She received her Master’s degree in Audiology from The University of Iowa in 2000 and her Doctor of Audiology degree from Salus University in 2004. Dr. Novick is a fellow of the American Academy of Audiology and the American Doctors of Audiology. She is Board-Certified by the American Board of Audiology and holds certificates in Tinnitus Management and Clinical Preceptorship. Dr. Novick is licensed by the Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology and Hearing Aid Dispensers Board of California. She is currently the Past President of the California Academy of Audiology Board of Directors and continues her volunteer duties with the Board. She resides in Palo Alto with her husband and two children. Dr. Novick will be facilitating the session “Kids and Miso.”

About Marni Novick

Chris Pearson
Clinical Hypnotherapist

Chris Pearson developed Sequent Repatterning, a therapy approach created specifically to work with misophonia. He has provided training and professional development opportunities to experienced therapists, and over the last ten years has founded a community of therapists committed to helping those living with misophonia. Chris is a Clinical Hypnotherapist and Neuropsychotherapist who has published papers on Misophonia in International Journal of Neuropsychotherapy, Frontiers of Psychology and elsewhere. He has presented before to Misophonia Association Conventions (2015 and 2018) and to the Misophonia Research Symposium in USA, as well as conferences in Europe and Australia. He is a board member of Misophonia Institute and was invited to membership of the Royal Society of Medicine in 2017. Chris will be presenting on the topic: Providing Effective Therapy for Misophonia: Understanding the Condition and Creating a Therapeutic Community


About Chris Pearson

Clinical Hypnotherapist
Troy Rysedorph
Parent of child
with misophonia

Troy Rysedorph is the father of a young adult who has been suffering with Misophonia since middle school. Troy has attended two Misophonia Conventions and has begun volunteering with the Misophonia Association since October 2019. Hey Parents! Maybe you attended the PARENTS OF KIDS WITH MISO session with Dr. Jaffe. Maybe you didn't. But we are sure that many of you will want more time to talk with other parents, sharing heartaches and success stories. That's what this session, entitled Parent of Young Adult with Misophonia, is all about. Please join us. This will be a parent led gathering.

About Troy Rysedorph

Parent of child
with misophonia
Dr. Cindy Simon
Audiologist Specialist
S. Miami Audiology Consultants

Cindy A Simon, Au.D. is an Audiologist Specialist at South Miami Audiology Consultants and has over 30 years of experience as a licensed audiologist. She is an expert in misophonia diagnosis and treatment and serves on the Misophonia Association’s board. Dr. Simon earned her Doctorate in Audiology at the University of Florida and a Master of Arts in Audiology at Wayne State University. She received Board Certification in Audiology by AAA (ABA) and a Certificate of Clinical Competence In Audiology by ASHA (American Speech & Hearing Association). Dr. Simon offers a wealth of experience to all patients at her office and also serves on a number of professional boards, both locally and nationally, advocating for hearing healthcare. She also enjoys teaching students. Dr. Simon will be presenting on Troubleshooting Audiology Devices for Misophonia.


About Dr. Cindy Simon

Audiologist Specialist
S. Miami Audiology Consultants
John Smoot
Support Groups Admin

John Smoot is the Administrator of the Western and Pacific Misophonia Support Group, as well as the non-region based group, Misophonia Without Borders. John’s Misophonia began to surface in the mid 1980’s, when he was in High School. For around 30 years, he made his best efforts to deal with what he referred to as his “really weird personality flaw that I just can’t explain,” until 2016, when he learned that he had Misophonia and that he was only one of many. On November 11, 2019, John created the Southwest Regional Misophonia Support Group on Facebook. After hearing a guest from Alaska speak on an episode of the Misophonia Podcast, he realized that the Misophonia Association had been helping start these support groups for over a year, but there was still no regional group for the Northwest, Alaska or Hawaii. On January 10, 2020, after careful consideration, John changed the name of the group to Western and Pacific Misophonia Support Group and expanded the group coverage to include these areas. When a few people complained to John that regional groups are unfair, because they exclude people who do not live in their coverage areas (by the way, not all location based groups follow this practice), he did not agree. However, he did take those feelings into account, along with a few other factors, and decided to accelerate an idea that he had already been considering. Thus, On May 24, 2020, John created Misophonia Without Borders, for which location is not a part of the membership criteria. John will be participating in a panel discussion with other misophonia support group leaders, discussing the role of support groups and how to start one if you are interested.

https://www.facebook.com/groups/WesternAndPacificMisophoniaSupportGroup; https://www.facebook.com/groups/MIsophoniaWithoutBorders

About John Smoot

Support Groups Admin
Steven and Ashley Vomacka
Bloggers & Speakers

Steven and Ashley Vomacka are a young married couple who met through the misophonia community on Tumblr and are popular bloggers on that social networking website. Together they have spoken on the importance of healthy communication in relationships, managing triggers and self-love. They offer hope and guidance to young people living with misophonia.

About Steven and Ashley Vomacka

Bloggers & Speakers