1-Day 3D-Printer Workshop

Saturday, 27 October 2018 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM PST

4799 Shattuck Ave, Oakland, CA, 94114, United States

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Builder Team Partial Approval - $799.00

Includes one 3D Printer. Bring a friend with you to help you - so you spend more time learning and less time building.

sales ended

Free Admission with refundable deposit Partial Approval - $2.00

Participate in the build as an assistant. You do not take a 3D printer home with you. Deposit is returned to you upon showing up.

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1. Select Seats

2. Review and Proceed

Saturday, 27 October 2018 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM PST

Counter Culture Labs, 4799 Shattuck Ave, Oakland, CA, 94114, United States.

Learn how to build an open source 3d printer that lets you build at industry standards at a local community scale. We’ll show you step-by-step how to build this modular design in an accessible and straightforward way. You’ll appreciate how an open source 3d printer is designed and experience how teams can work together to build something amazing, even if they’re novices. Each team takes a 3D printer home to their community that they can use to build community-scale infrastructure or make 3D printed objects.

Please visit our website for more details.

Marcin Jakubowski


We design and build open source industrial machines and publish the plans on the internet for free.

Contact the Organizer