15 Day Hypnosis Practitioner Certification Training: Thursdays, March 3- June 30, 2022 (10am-5pm ET) on Zoom (No classes on April 21, 28 and May 12)

Thursday, 3 March 2022 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM EST

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Early Tuition (One month prior to the start of the training) Partial Approval - $2,095.00

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Regular Tuition Partial Approval - $2,495.00

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Deposit Only Partial Approval - $495.00

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Thursday, 3 March 2022 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM EST

Ericksonian Hypnosis is a widely recognized tool for exploring realms of the unconscious mind, identifying and activating our inner resources, discovering new ways for resolving inner conflicts, and handling obstacles and challenges.

Discover how the unconscious mind is a source of wisdom and creativity. Develop a deeply satisfying relationship with your unconscious through hypnotic explorations and techniques and learn powerful tools for tapping into this unlimited source of possibilities.

The benefits of hypnosis are many. They include:

  • Enjoying inner harmony, centeredness and balance
  • Remaining calm during difficult times and challenging situations
  • Being more focused
  • Resolving inner conflicts
  • Enhancing your creativity and increase your artistic expression
  • Optimizing your ability to problem solve
  • Freeing yourself from unwanted habits
  • Managing pain
  • Eliminating unwanted habits
  • Falling asleep easily and having restful sleeps
  • Lowering your blood pressure
  • Being empowered
  • Developing peak performance states
  • Learning more effective ways of communicating with others and much more

Whether you are interested in this course for your personal development, learning to become a hypnotist, for acquiring greater depth and flexibility as a communicator, or for developing greater proficiency as a hypnotist, you will learn powerful skills and techniques that you can immediately incorporate into your life and your work. Students who successfully complete the Hypnosis Practitioner Certification Training will receive a certification from the NLP Center of New York as a Practitioner of Hypnosis and are eligible to apply for certification from the NGH (National Guild of Hypnotists) or the NBCCH (National Board of Certified Clinical Hypnotherapists).

Skills and techniques you will learn include:

  • Self-Hypnosis
  • Mutual Hypnosis
  • Multiple Trance Inductions
  • Confusion Techniques
  • Reframing in Trance
  • Therapeutic Metaphors
  • Double Inductions
  • Resolving Inner Conflicts,
  • Hypnotic Language Patterns
  • Deep-Trance Phenomena
  • Ideo-motor signaling
  • Milton Model
  • Time/Space Distortion
  • Unconscious Vibrating Symbols
  • Posthypnotic Suggestions
  • Utilizing Trance Phenomena with Interventions
  • Age Regression and Age Progression to achieve goals
  • Deep Trance Identification
  • Pain Management
  • Smoking Cessation
  • Weight Control
  • Ending Substance Abuse
  • Working with Symptoms
  • Working with Addictions and Persistent Habits
  • Archetypes-King/Queen-Magician- Warrior-Lover
  • Dr. Stephen Gilligan’s Generative Trance Models
  • Conscious/Unconscious Integration
  • Supervision

NLP Center of New York


NLP Center of New York

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